Even Tears Don't Believe me...

Sunday 31 May 2009

I thought I really got over with him, but yesterday when I saw he was kissing with another boy, suddenly I relized I still like him, unfortunately, I like him a lot. I had to ran away, my feeling was fucked up, I felt somebody punched my heart fiercely, it hurts so bad...I went home with Lisa. On the way home, we talked a lot, I admited I like him, which I don't even know. I thought I don't care anymore, but I do care, I do care so much! At that moment, I really wished I can cry, but I couldn't. Maybe it's really like my mum said, if you are really sad, you just can not cry. I could not release myself, I couldn't. I hate myself...

All the time I tried so hard to pretend to be stonger, I don't want anybody to see the what is inside of me, I want be a hard stone. But I know myself, I am too soft inside. I am so afraid to get hurt, I am so afraid to open my heart to someone.

Opened my music box, the song went " I don't want you go, tell me, you are not leaving me...I don't want see you get away from my life" I started to cry like a baby, I really hope it will be the last time to cry for love problem. Mum said to me, you lost someone who doesnt love you, but he lost someone who loves him, the loss for him is much more...yeah, but somebody even don't give a damn...

I hope the story end here....no more going on...no gain no pain, no expection, no overthinking...


Sunday 17 May 2009

I have watched a music video today, it was about love, the story was about a couple, because the Chinese civil war, they got sepreate, the girl gave the boy a box before she left Shanghai, said " I put all my love in this box, it will stay here" The boy replied, " I won't go anywhere, if you can not find me, just look for me in School"...at moment was 1948, she left Shanghai with her family to Taiwan. Because of the political reason, from 1949-1987, China Mainland and Taiwan could not visit each other. Until 1989, she got the news from her son when she was feeding her gradson, he's still alive, and single...The 2nd day, she flu to Shanghai...to met him...so many memories suddenly appeared in front of them...Because of the commitment, he still stays in the school as a teacher, because he said before " you can look for me at school"...The love box did not open yet...She asked why, he replied, " if I open it, I am afraid I will never see you again"...after 40 years....she's married, and already has 3 sons, but he is still single, he is still waiting for her...After that day, she flu back to Taipei, she told her husband and children, she wanted go back to Shanghai to be with him, her children all against this idea, but her busband not only agreed this idea, but also bought them a house in Shanghai...Finally, they got together after 40 years...

It moved my heart, because this video...I cried a lot...and I doubt this kind of love won't exist nowaday anymore...

Weekend I went to Den Haag, was nice...did a little bit soul searching...try to understand what I want for my life...

Fucked Up

Tuesday 12 May 2009

It's 2 am in the morning, but I can not fall asleep. My feeling is so weird and uncomfortable...I am lost...really lost...Where is the happy me? Why I am overthinking, overthinking, overthinking again. I hate it. I hate myself for that.

I should never do that...should never...I feel I lost a friend who I really like...T_T...I am a stupid loser...from the moment back from Gent, I told myself dont expect too much, close your heart and be a bitch...But I can't...Why it's so diffcult to be an human being??? Why I am always so soft???

Sorry...For me, for him, for other people who care about me...



Sunday 10 May 2009

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to LuLu! It's my third year birthday without my family. But yesterday I had a great time with my friends.

Sorry I did not update my blog for a long time (sorry for myself), a lot of things happened things to me, most of them are bad things, but when I had diffcult time, I really see who is my real friend. Thank you Dina, you help me out a lot, when I am in trouble, you always by my side.

Acutally I wanted write a lot of stuff, but when I start typing on the keyboard, I don't know what can I say anymore, I don't want tell everything here basically. Hehe...

Today is mother's day, such a coincidence, mum, wish you happy holiday! Love you!