Is Timing Everything?

Sunday 19 July 2009

Recently, I've been asking myself this question as my title, " Is timing everything?" The story is my good SooJung graducated from my university, I would like say Congraducation for her like I did on Thursday. She decided going back to South Korea on 30.08.2009. As a good friend, I really don't want she goes back to Korea, cause I am so get used to see her around me to share all the sadness and happniness with me. However, Soo has a boyfriend here and they are in a relationship. Everytime I see them, I can see how happy they are, it shows on their face. But sooner, they gonna be sepreated, I asked Soo why you started a realtionship if you know you will go back, I don't really remember the answer anymore, but she told me Timing is very important. Indeed, timing is so important, it can be at the right the time, you meet a right guy, or it's other way around. There are so many possiblities in our lieaves. Soo told me life is a big question mark, it brings us to somewhere unexpected. I think if I have one I love and he loves me, I won't go back, I will stay here for him, maybe that's me...I am the person who is looking for love in all of my life, even though I don't want admit it. Soo told me maybe I never met someone nice, I doubt it, cause I did meet someone very nice, but I didn't treatsure it, and I let it went away. Who will be the next one? I hope it will not take so long...

For the Korean girl I love...

Being Lazy&Busy

Thursday 9 July 2009

Due the reason I got the summer job in Philips, I have no summer break anymore. That's why I didn't update my blog for a while, I've been quiet busy. But anyway, I don't know there will be much people to read my blog. I am pretty lukcy to get this job, however, it's Philips! Work in Supply Chain Management department is nice, I like the atmosphere here. I work with Soo and Dina, what a coincidence! No matter what, we are always together. I believe that's destiny!

Recently nothing really new happened to me, just everyday go and back from working. Being tired and going to bed early. Now I really think being a student is much better! No wonder so many people after working in Company for few years they will quit and choose to be a student again...

Since he went to holiday, I feel nothing really much anymore. I should move on with my own life. He will go home anyway, but I will not move with him or for him. Remember that day I played Tator with my Chinese friends, I got the answer from the magic cards. It's like a mirror in my heart...

I am looking forward to go to Ky's party with Dina and Lisa, my two hot biachtes. Maybe can meet someone nice there...we'll see:)

I still like you...Maybe even love...

Wednesday 1 July 2009

These day I am so being so stressful, I have to work, but meanwhile, I have to do 6 exams. I have no motiviation to do anything. The only thing I want to do is relaxing and sleeping.

Luckily, I got the job in Philips, and I pass the internship assesment. Dina, we are awesome! No matter what we do, we're always stick with each other:). Like I said, you can not get rid of me.

He went to travel with his family, I went to met him in Tilburg. But in my heart, I still didn't let him go. I don't know why, the first time after these years, I open up my heart to somebody competetly. But of course he couldn't do anything with this broken heart. Because sooner or later, he's leaving to New Zealand/Australia. Sometimes I feel I am so silly, the day he went away, I began to check his facebook everyday, wether he uploaded some new pictures, or he updated his facebook. I printed out our pictures, look at them day by day. I know I still like him, maybe even I am in love with him. But anyway, he doesn't belong to me, I have to let him go. Just be opsmastic, everything will fine. To like somebody is also not bad, right?