Is Timing Everything?

Sunday 19 July 2009

Recently, I've been asking myself this question as my title, " Is timing everything?" The story is my good SooJung graducated from my university, I would like say Congraducation for her like I did on Thursday. She decided going back to South Korea on 30.08.2009. As a good friend, I really don't want she goes back to Korea, cause I am so get used to see her around me to share all the sadness and happniness with me. However, Soo has a boyfriend here and they are in a relationship. Everytime I see them, I can see how happy they are, it shows on their face. But sooner, they gonna be sepreated, I asked Soo why you started a realtionship if you know you will go back, I don't really remember the answer anymore, but she told me Timing is very important. Indeed, timing is so important, it can be at the right the time, you meet a right guy, or it's other way around. There are so many possiblities in our lieaves. Soo told me life is a big question mark, it brings us to somewhere unexpected. I think if I have one I love and he loves me, I won't go back, I will stay here for him, maybe that's me...I am the person who is looking for love in all of my life, even though I don't want admit it. Soo told me maybe I never met someone nice, I doubt it, cause I did meet someone very nice, but I didn't treatsure it, and I let it went away. Who will be the next one? I hope it will not take so long...

For the Korean girl I love...