Some People Are Just Passing-Traveller in Your Life...

Thursday 20 August 2009

It's like a bus, some people get up the same bus with you, you talked for a while until he take off, then you continue your own way till your final destination...

I used to think, he/she can be last forever, but in the end, they are just the passing-travelling in my life, we did take the same bus from different stop, we had a few same stops, but in the end, they just got off from my bus...The feeling is not bad, cause you''ll get used to it. It often takes you a long time to understand the satuation, what's the role in the game you are playing.
It's been a while I did not write something on my's kinda place I talk to myself, and to record something important in my life. Last weekend I went to Czech Republic with Dina n Lisa, it was a great time with them. I had a lot of fun. :)