
Tuesday 21 April 2009

In Netherland, there is such a word called " Kijkavond ", which means when you search for a room in somewhere, you have to make an appointment with the potential people who gonna be living with you in that place, and after that, you have to talk with them and try to make them have a good impression on you. As I remember, I tried Kijkavond 5 times, and today I sucessed! I would love to take this chance to thank my best friend Dina, she did the most of the talk. 70% sucess of today was on her acutally. When I got the call from Nina, I was jumping like a little kid. Because after 4 times failure, I was very down from that, it made me think acutally those Dutch people only like their own people, but yeah, you never know. I am pretty satisify with my new room, it's much bigger than the room I am having now. You know what is funny? The wall is pink! Haha... So finally I gonna live with the Dutch family, there are 5 Dutch people, 2 girls and 3 boys. After I move in, I will make delicious food for them.

The weekend was awesome and crazy. I had a wonderful time with Dina, Lisa and Alti. Who's Alit? She's my new friend from Kazahstan, a sweet sweet girl. We w
ere dancing like crazy on the stage, and we cheered for Alexsander (Cause we got free drink ticket from him). It was so sweet of him, we even drank Cocktail in the club. Haha...Maybe because I made too much Korokka that day, it made me very tired, so we went to home very early. Or I am just getting older?

Happy Easter

Monday 13 April 2009

This is the third Easter for me since I moved to this tiny lowland. But this Easter, I get no egg chocolates, no special food. ( Sounds a little bit sad, huh?) Well, I still remember we spent our easter in Belgium with the lovely Belgian family, it was so wonderful. Acutally yesterday when I met Ding we said we really should sent an email to Kevin to wish him HAPPY EASTER with his family.

I've had nightmares those days, dont know why, but it's all related to one person, what does this mean? It's so weird and wicked...what I feel is I don't want expect too much, from my experience was the more I expect, the more disappointments I I think just let it be, but only sometimes I can not control myself to think about these things...It's been more than 2 years I am not with anyone...I certainly hope I will be the lucky one. I felt very comfortable when I around this one:)

Finally, I hope I can pass the retake on Tuesday, it is my last chance, so I really need study for tomorrow, I hope I can pass it! 5.5...Enough...emmm...I'll pray for it...

Want post some pics from last year Easter

Friday Going Out

Saturday 11 April 2009

Yesterday I went out after such a long time (No Clubbing Life Lately). Met two new friends of Lisa's, they are very cool. Of course with my favorite girl Dina. Unfortunately, Friday going out was not fun, cause there were only a few people there. But still, we danced a little bit, with Lisa you'll never get bored! We biked to Lisa's home, played Wii at 7 C'lock in the morning, crazy....crazy...Liquid Club was very though, I am sure next time if there are enough people will be very fun, but at least, I got a lot of free drink ticket from new friend Alex...that's very sweet of him.

I had a nice talk with YoYo during the dinner time, my god, my school is such a drama and rumor school, no matter you are famous or nameless, there are always some rumors about you. But in spit of all, like I told Dina " We are fontys bitches", so don't mess around with us! hahaha...

Finally, I hope Dina's date going well, cause I know she's looking forward to this date so much, and she made the slow move, hopefully she can get what she want. I really hope all my friends have a happy realtionship with their Mr/Ms Special. Meanwhile, I am missing someone in Somewhere...How you doing?...hope see you soon...:)

Time for move

Wednesday 8 April 2009

In the early morning to update my blog, hmmmm...Lately, I begin to search new rooms in Eindhoven. I am tired of my life is controlled by someone else, and in the end, she told me I always depend on you. WTF?! C'on, before you criticize someone please look at yourself. I am here for my freedom, I don't need another mummy to take care of me.

I went to Gent/Belgium again last weekend, I had a wonderful time. Belgian meal with sunshine made me feel life is so beutiful. But the most important and significant thing is the one beside me:)

Hi all

Saturday 4 April 2009

Welcome all, actually it's not my first time to set up a blog, but every time I was too lazy to continue. I hope this time will be better ( Don’t expect I will update so soon).

About me, I just back from my Asia trip not so long ago. I had a wonderful time, I have been to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Osaka and Okinawa. I remember I really missed
everything in Netherlands, but this time I did not miss Netherlands that much, I guess because the weather was so nice in Asia, although the weather in Shanghai was very bad in the first week. However, every Asian knows when we back to our hometown what will we do-EAT! Yes! I was on my holiday for 30 days, I guess 25 days I was outside for food.

The funny thing was I met Fontys People in Shanghai and Hong Kong. The feeling was just weird, cause I used to met them in Netherlands. But surely we had a great time. I am really happy they like Shanghai so much, this is the place where I from. We went to Wu Jiang Lu, it is my favorite place for eating, it's cheap and
delicious. Normally you only spend 4 Euro there, you can get very nice food.

But 30 days were too short! Really! "Time goes by, so quickly". So now I am here in Europe again, not in Netherlands but in Belgium. Why? It's a secret. Anyway, some of you know already XD...hahaha