Friday Going Out

Saturday 11 April 2009

Yesterday I went out after such a long time (No Clubbing Life Lately). Met two new friends of Lisa's, they are very cool. Of course with my favorite girl Dina. Unfortunately, Friday going out was not fun, cause there were only a few people there. But still, we danced a little bit, with Lisa you'll never get bored! We biked to Lisa's home, played Wii at 7 C'lock in the morning, crazy....crazy...Liquid Club was very though, I am sure next time if there are enough people will be very fun, but at least, I got a lot of free drink ticket from new friend Alex...that's very sweet of him.

I had a nice talk with YoYo during the dinner time, my god, my school is such a drama and rumor school, no matter you are famous or nameless, there are always some rumors about you. But in spit of all, like I told Dina " We are fontys bitches", so don't mess around with us! hahaha...

Finally, I hope Dina's date going well, cause I know she's looking forward to this date so much, and she made the slow move, hopefully she can get what she want. I really hope all my friends have a happy realtionship with their Mr/Ms Special. Meanwhile, I am missing someone in Somewhere...How you doing?...hope see you soon...:)