Happy Easter

Monday 13 April 2009

This is the third Easter for me since I moved to this tiny lowland. But this Easter, I get no egg chocolates, no special food. ( Sounds a little bit sad, huh?) Well, I still remember we spent our easter in Belgium with the lovely Belgian family, it was so wonderful. Acutally yesterday when I met Ding we said we really should sent an email to Kevin to wish him HAPPY EASTER with his family.

I've had nightmares those days, dont know why, but it's all related to one person, what does this mean? It's so weird and wicked...what I feel is I don't want expect too much, from my experience was the more I expect, the more disappointments I got...so I think just let it be, but only sometimes I can not control myself to think about these things...It's been more than 2 years I am not with anyone...I certainly hope I will be the lucky one. I felt very comfortable when I around this one:)

Finally, I hope I can pass the retake on Tuesday, it is my last chance, so I really need study for tomorrow, I hope I can pass it! 5.5...Enough...emmm...I'll pray for it...

Want post some pics from last year Easter