Goodbye My Love one...Or Let's Say..See you later

Sunday 21 June 2009

At first when we met
We said hi

Now we're still friends
But we've said goodbye

I gave you a chance
And you rejected

You said it's not good right now
And you stand corrected

You see what you've lost
At least I hope you do

You see what others can have
But not you

I don't mean to sound conceited
Or vain in any way

I'm just merely pointing out
What you had, and threw away

I liked you a lot
I honestly did

But did you feel the same?
Were there feelings you hid?

If you had feelings for me
You didn't show it

Because things are over now
And I didn't know it

If you didn't have feelings
Then why did
you say so

When the only person you trust, lies
Then where do you go?

I just wanted to say
Thought you needed to know

These feelings I have
Need to be let go

Missing you

Thursday 18 June 2009

서로를 잊겠죠 그럴 수 있겠죠

이제 우리 멀리 있게 되면

정말 함께 하고 싶은데

그대 가는 길이 어디든 난 가고 싶은데

난 고개 숙이죠 아무말 못하죠

그저 눈물만 참을 뿐이죠

바보처럼 울먹이는 날

기억하게 하긴 싫었죠 날 떠나가지만

I'll be missing you

어쩔수 없죠 숨쉬는 것 조차

내겐 너무 힘든 이별인 걸요

I'll be there for you

힘이 들 때면 그대

언제나 여기서 널 기다리는 날

항상 기억해요

사랑한단 말도 함께 하잔 말도

그 어떤 말도 할 수 없었죠

그대 발길 힘겨울까봐

나 때문에 더 힘들까봐 난 그냥 보내요

I'll be missing you

어쩔수 없죠 숨쉬는 것 조차

내겐 너무 힘든 이별인 걸요

I'll be there for you

힘이 들 때면 그대

언제나 여기서 널 기다리는 날

항상 기억해요

잠시 뿐이겠죠 지금처럼 낯선 이별도

그대 돌아올 그때 외롭거나 낯설지 않게

내가 기다릴께요

I'll be missing you

어쩔수 없죠 숨쉬는 것 조차

내겐 너무 힘든 이별인 걸요

I'll be there for you

힘이 들 때면 그대

언제나 여기서 널 기다리는 날

항상 기억해요

The Moment

Monday 15 June 2009

I am not afraid hurt anymore...

I am not afraid expection anymore...

I thought the simple life can cover everything

But I forgot why I always run away

My's still exist...

I will wait for you near by the sea...wait for the tides bring you back to me :)

Is possible that God's arrgement of the good tension faith?

The way you walk, the way you smile, the way you treat me...

In my subconsciousness, I know that's true love...

Next Life Time...Possibly

Sunday 14 June 2009

Yes! I had a big hungover from a lot of different alcohol again! I guess offically I am becoming a alcoholic! When I look back, compare with myself in 2007, I have to say I changed a lot. I really become who I am, don't give a damn what other people think about me! I like this attitude.

13.06.2009, let's remember this date. It's my best friend Dina's birthday. Here were we again, Dina, Soo, Bo and me. We used hung out a lot last year. I really miss that moment, I know soon we'll be spreated again...:( But meanwhile, I am looking forward to get together again. Sometimes I wonder after 10 years, where will us be? I know there is a famous saying goes " all good things come to an end ".

When he left the party, he told me " see you in September " I replied with a lie " In September I will go back to Japan ". I didn't remember what exactly he replied, I said " Maybe next life time". Yeah, next life time...Possibly, will we have next life? Even we do, how can you make sure we can meet next life time? I doubt... Somehow I don't want see him anymore in my life, cause everytime I see him, deep of my heart still feels sorry about that. Somehow I do want meet him all the time in my life, if there is one way I can keep him by my side. I think I would do everything...No matter what...

I believe time will heal everything...time will will help me...I can't deny what I believe:) Soon, I will be loved again...I hope...still I need thank for God, he brings Dina n Lisa to my life...

PS: Sandy, thank you for coming by with the short visit! It was so sweet of you! Love you:)

Looking forward to Summer

Thursday 11 June 2009

Certainly I had a shit Spring, I am so looking forward to Summer. The real summer instead the Dutch summer, it seems there is no summer in this tiny lowland. Raining 10 minutes so hard, and then 5 minutes sunshine. It's horrible...I hate it...No wonder Dutch people always talk about weather...

Luckily I find a summer job in Philips...I want to keep myself very busy instead of doing nothing...n now that i found meaning of my life im so happy, dina thnx for coming to my life
wiht u my life got a meaning.. i think im gonna change my orientation n love u all the timez! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ( That's not me, thats lovely drunk Dina)

But of course, in the deep of my heart, I am looking forward to meet someone nice, someone knows how to treat me right, someone I can open my heart with....:) If he doesnt come, it also doesnt matter...I'll keep waiting

Story Ends + Assen Trip

Sunday 7 June 2009

Just want metion what happened on last Wednesday, not for him but for myself. Because he began to ignore me like as I did anything wrong to him. The stupid thing was that I felt very hurt, after the stupid SCM exam, I went to Tilburg immediately to look for him. I waited in the centeral station for 1 hour. I've called so many times, I started call Lisa and Dina, I took their advice, I began to walk around in the city. In the end, I decided to look for him in AH supermarkt, this is only the way I could find him. It was not easy, I asked the people on the street, I went to the AH in the Tilburg center. I asked the staff there, do you know someone bla bla, but he did not work in that supermarket. Then here another question came, " how many AH supermarkets in Tilburg", the girl laughed at me, " 4". Oh...shit, that's a lot. So I asked where is the AH XL, the staff explained to me, it was close to the central station. Therefore, I wanted make it sure I did not go to the wrong way. I went to travel advice office, and they told me the way. It was not so long, took me like 10 minutes to went there. When I stepped into the supermarket, I felt very nervous, I looked around, he was not there, I was so dispointed, but just I was about to leave that XL supermarket, I saw his back, and I am surely it was him. He was arranging the meat stuff carefully. So I went to him, I felt I played in the movie, like those girls said to the boys they love, " I found you, I found you!" That moment was 5:32 I think, and I know normally he takes off at 6. I had to be hurry, otherwise I gonna miss him. But I made it, he was very surprise, he asked me, " What are you doing in Tilburg?" " I came here for you, I don't want lose you as my friend" So I waited him until he finished his job, was a bit late though, 6:20, on the way back to his place, he always kept smiling. I guess he's happy that I went to Tilburg for him. Acutally I just want release for myself. Well, partly of course I want some magic happen, but I didn't expect too much. He asked me so many times " why you angry at me?" " Why you angry at me?" At certain points, I really wanted to tell him how much I like him and how much I care about him, but it stucked in my throat. But finally I told him before I left his house, I liked him for the first time in my life. Finally I felt released, I was happy that I told him everything, and I relized he is just a kid, never been through any relationship, and he doesnt know how to treat people, somehow at that point, I don't want him anymore in my life. A little bit hurt though, but I felt much better afterwards.

From thursday I went to Assen to visit Sandy as I promised long time ago, we've talked a lot about everything, it was so nice to hung out with her, and of course her little crazy daughter. The whole family of hers is so lovely. Isn't that kind of life in my life? hehe...

Some pics me and Sandy.


Tuesday 2 June 2009

After Saturday, I really don't know who I am anymore. I thought I understood myself, but I don't. I am such a loser. I just can not get rid of that moment from my head, it's like a film, play and play keeps torturing me. My heart is just like Tofu, it's broken to thousands pieces...

I really want be happy instead of sad. Even I tried to get a new hair color, it still doesn't help. Never noticed I will like him that much...but I do...I really do...It's so easy to say forget, but it's so hard to do. Yesterday when I met my friends, everybody told me I looked so sad and fucked up.

What Can I do? God, please help me!!!