Story Ends + Assen Trip

Sunday 7 June 2009

Just want metion what happened on last Wednesday, not for him but for myself. Because he began to ignore me like as I did anything wrong to him. The stupid thing was that I felt very hurt, after the stupid SCM exam, I went to Tilburg immediately to look for him. I waited in the centeral station for 1 hour. I've called so many times, I started call Lisa and Dina, I took their advice, I began to walk around in the city. In the end, I decided to look for him in AH supermarkt, this is only the way I could find him. It was not easy, I asked the people on the street, I went to the AH in the Tilburg center. I asked the staff there, do you know someone bla bla, but he did not work in that supermarket. Then here another question came, " how many AH supermarkets in Tilburg", the girl laughed at me, " 4". Oh...shit, that's a lot. So I asked where is the AH XL, the staff explained to me, it was close to the central station. Therefore, I wanted make it sure I did not go to the wrong way. I went to travel advice office, and they told me the way. It was not so long, took me like 10 minutes to went there. When I stepped into the supermarket, I felt very nervous, I looked around, he was not there, I was so dispointed, but just I was about to leave that XL supermarket, I saw his back, and I am surely it was him. He was arranging the meat stuff carefully. So I went to him, I felt I played in the movie, like those girls said to the boys they love, " I found you, I found you!" That moment was 5:32 I think, and I know normally he takes off at 6. I had to be hurry, otherwise I gonna miss him. But I made it, he was very surprise, he asked me, " What are you doing in Tilburg?" " I came here for you, I don't want lose you as my friend" So I waited him until he finished his job, was a bit late though, 6:20, on the way back to his place, he always kept smiling. I guess he's happy that I went to Tilburg for him. Acutally I just want release for myself. Well, partly of course I want some magic happen, but I didn't expect too much. He asked me so many times " why you angry at me?" " Why you angry at me?" At certain points, I really wanted to tell him how much I like him and how much I care about him, but it stucked in my throat. But finally I told him before I left his house, I liked him for the first time in my life. Finally I felt released, I was happy that I told him everything, and I relized he is just a kid, never been through any relationship, and he doesnt know how to treat people, somehow at that point, I don't want him anymore in my life. A little bit hurt though, but I felt much better afterwards.

From thursday I went to Assen to visit Sandy as I promised long time ago, we've talked a lot about everything, it was so nice to hung out with her, and of course her little crazy daughter. The whole family of hers is so lovely. Isn't that kind of life in my life? hehe...

Some pics me and Sandy.