How are you?

Sunday 15 November 2009

How are you?

Still Mad and hesitate?

Being away from you this moment

I cannot let myself go

Take care






Eindhoven NL

This is where the story begins...

Sunday 20 September 2009

When it comes, it will come. Because my babylot suggests me to write about yesterday " my dating" down when it is frensh. I had a great time with a lovely boy. Before we met, we chatted for hours and hours, acutally I've never chatted that long with anyone before. But sometimes you meet in real, it turns to another story like I had in Paris before. What did we do? Many things, we had lunch, we walked around the city, we went to park and we held each other's hand when we watched " My sister's keeper". We laid in the park and talked for hours, we teasted each other and laughed a lot. When I got so close to him, I can see myself in his beautiful blue eyes. He told me " The more you close to me, the cuter you are"...and We kissed:) At this moment, I really don't know how to use my word to describe how wonderful it was yesterday. I am so happy that I can leave my past behind. Like a song " When you around, I am not afraid of anything" To be continue...

Fall..A bit sad, a bit happy

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Fall, it's a bit sad season from my view. One of my best friend - Soojung she left here to her hometown Soeul Korea. It's kind dramatic, cause our last meet was at Macdonland in the center of Eindhoven. Althought she told me she would leave Netherlands long time ago, but somehow I still didn't feel she would leave. We looked at each other, she told me, " I will not cry, because we'll meet soon", I started to be feel there are tears in my eyes, I couldn't see her pretty face anymore, we hugged each other, in that moment, all the memories went back to me, the fighting, laughing, gameing, treaveling, we've been through a lot of things in last 20 months. We shared happiness and sadness. Moreover, we worked in Philips together, like the Korea Serie said " Life brings us together", isnt it? Soo, I really really appreactice you come to my life, I love you. I hope everything will be great for you in Netherland. We'll meet soon again I am sure, cause Korea is not that far from my hometown, maybe you'll see me with someone next time:)

I didn't write this blog for a long time, now it's like once a month. I back to Semester 6 to continue my study at Fontys. It's very busy and intensive, but I will get used to it.


Some People Are Just Passing-Traveller in Your Life...

Thursday 20 August 2009

It's like a bus, some people get up the same bus with you, you talked for a while until he take off, then you continue your own way till your final destination...

I used to think, he/she can be last forever, but in the end, they are just the passing-travelling in my life, we did take the same bus from different stop, we had a few same stops, but in the end, they just got off from my bus...The feeling is not bad, cause you''ll get used to it. It often takes you a long time to understand the satuation, what's the role in the game you are playing.
It's been a while I did not write something on my's kinda place I talk to myself, and to record something important in my life. Last weekend I went to Czech Republic with Dina n Lisa, it was a great time with them. I had a lot of fun. :)

Is Timing Everything?

Sunday 19 July 2009

Recently, I've been asking myself this question as my title, " Is timing everything?" The story is my good SooJung graducated from my university, I would like say Congraducation for her like I did on Thursday. She decided going back to South Korea on 30.08.2009. As a good friend, I really don't want she goes back to Korea, cause I am so get used to see her around me to share all the sadness and happniness with me. However, Soo has a boyfriend here and they are in a relationship. Everytime I see them, I can see how happy they are, it shows on their face. But sooner, they gonna be sepreated, I asked Soo why you started a realtionship if you know you will go back, I don't really remember the answer anymore, but she told me Timing is very important. Indeed, timing is so important, it can be at the right the time, you meet a right guy, or it's other way around. There are so many possiblities in our lieaves. Soo told me life is a big question mark, it brings us to somewhere unexpected. I think if I have one I love and he loves me, I won't go back, I will stay here for him, maybe that's me...I am the person who is looking for love in all of my life, even though I don't want admit it. Soo told me maybe I never met someone nice, I doubt it, cause I did meet someone very nice, but I didn't treatsure it, and I let it went away. Who will be the next one? I hope it will not take so long...

For the Korean girl I love...

Being Lazy&Busy

Thursday 9 July 2009

Due the reason I got the summer job in Philips, I have no summer break anymore. That's why I didn't update my blog for a while, I've been quiet busy. But anyway, I don't know there will be much people to read my blog. I am pretty lukcy to get this job, however, it's Philips! Work in Supply Chain Management department is nice, I like the atmosphere here. I work with Soo and Dina, what a coincidence! No matter what, we are always together. I believe that's destiny!

Recently nothing really new happened to me, just everyday go and back from working. Being tired and going to bed early. Now I really think being a student is much better! No wonder so many people after working in Company for few years they will quit and choose to be a student again...

Since he went to holiday, I feel nothing really much anymore. I should move on with my own life. He will go home anyway, but I will not move with him or for him. Remember that day I played Tator with my Chinese friends, I got the answer from the magic cards. It's like a mirror in my heart...

I am looking forward to go to Ky's party with Dina and Lisa, my two hot biachtes. Maybe can meet someone nice there...we'll see:)

I still like you...Maybe even love...

Wednesday 1 July 2009

These day I am so being so stressful, I have to work, but meanwhile, I have to do 6 exams. I have no motiviation to do anything. The only thing I want to do is relaxing and sleeping.

Luckily, I got the job in Philips, and I pass the internship assesment. Dina, we are awesome! No matter what we do, we're always stick with each other:). Like I said, you can not get rid of me.

He went to travel with his family, I went to met him in Tilburg. But in my heart, I still didn't let him go. I don't know why, the first time after these years, I open up my heart to somebody competetly. But of course he couldn't do anything with this broken heart. Because sooner or later, he's leaving to New Zealand/Australia. Sometimes I feel I am so silly, the day he went away, I began to check his facebook everyday, wether he uploaded some new pictures, or he updated his facebook. I printed out our pictures, look at them day by day. I know I still like him, maybe even I am in love with him. But anyway, he doesn't belong to me, I have to let him go. Just be opsmastic, everything will fine. To like somebody is also not bad, right?